Fire Stick Black Screen | How to solve this issue | 1-844-769-9823

The Amazon Fire Stick has many features to excite people. Through this, you can see the photos taken from your mobile device on the big screen of Amazon TV. Here we will talk about the Amazon Fire blank screen. What is the main reason for the Fire TV black screen? And how you can fix Amazon Fire Stick Black Screen this error?

Fire Stick Black Screen

Step 1 – Restarting Devices

First of all, if you have to restart the device you will need to unplug the cable from the power and then wait for a few seconds. And then put the cable back to the power and then switch the power of the device on.

Step 2 – Checking Connections

You have to create sure that your TV is motorized and attach it to the identical HDMI input.

Step 3 – Checking HDMI

Take care that when you’re with an HDMI cable. So, while trying to attach the HDMI cable to the Fire Stick you will need to first remove it from the power and then reconnect it again and also check the ports. You may also attempt a dissimilar HDMI cable in arrange to refill the TV association.

Step 4 – Removing Unnecessary Connections

Unplug all the additional devices provisionally which are linked to your TV’s extra HDMI ports.

Step 5 – Checking Screen Resolution

Test for the declaration on your TV. Clutch the Up and Rewind button at the identical time for 5 seconds on your Amazon Fire TV remote. The tool shows you the obtainable output TV declarations for 10 seconds all.  You need to choose the present motion to observe the right resolution on TV. You should attempt altering your TV decree to 1080p or 720p.

Step 6 – Connecting AV Receiver

Make sure that your Amazon Fire TV is associated with an AV receiver. You have to build sure that the AV receiver is switched on and allied to the right input. If this doesn’t work out, fix your Amazon Fire TV straight to the TV.
For further information you can call our toll-free number: 1-844-769-9823 or you can also visit our website:


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